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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Submission to Affliction vs. Submission to the Holy Spirit

Okay, so this is a total download from the Holy Spirit. It's nothing I've read or heard but just God revealing to me what the differences are between submitting to the affliction in our lives or the Holy Spirit in our lives. This all comes from my personal experience as I have been in a place where I have been in submission to both. I love it when God breaks it down for me like this!

Submission to Affliction in our lives causes:


Submission to affliction causes extreme agony(torture and torment), fear(we all know the meaning of this), failure(to see God and walk in a way where His Word is living and active in our lives), loss(we can't walk in victory), ignorance(because we are so blinded by the affliction itself), captivity(no freedom, feeling completely held captive and trapped), temptation(to completely walk away from God and to sin just to feel better in some way), isolation(the enemy loves to get us alone in our affliction so he can beat us to death), opposition(the Word says we are opposed on every side and we will feel the pressure of that) and finally, negativity(the words out of our mouths are negative and speak death and our attitude is extremely negative if submitted to affliction). 

Submission to the Holy Spirit in our lives causes:

Overcoming attitude
Yielded spirit 


Submission to the Holy Spirit causes happiness(His yoke is easy and His burden is light Matthew 11:30), overcoming attitude(we can conquer the affliction as opposed to being afraid of it), life(we can live because His Spirit brings us life in the midst of the affliction), a yielded spirit(no conflict in and of ourselves when we are submitted to the Spirit of God because He is in control, not our affliction or us), smarter(when we submit to the Holy Spirit, we are smarter because He is our Helper), power(we can walk in complete authority and power over our affliction), integrity(a right spirit, we can walk in righteousness, people will see the Spirit of God shining through our afflicted selves), restoration(absolute recovery and redemption), intuition(the ability to have quick insight and react to the affliction the way He would) and finally, triumph(victory over our affliction whether or not it stays or goes).

So much to chew on here, but I just had to share it with all of you. I have to make an intentional choice to submit to the Holy Spirit every day, seriously, sometimes every minute of the day. But when I do, all these things are added to me (Matthew 6:33). Trust me, it's worth the effort!

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