You know how when you first start lifting again or even just working out after it's been awhile and afterwards your muscles feel like jello? Yeah, that's me right now and trust me I started out nice and light.
As I was praying and buffing up ;-), I realized this totally applies to us spiritually. If you have followed this blog for any amount of time you know how passionate I am about the Word of God and the power and authority it holds in our lives when we truly use it and wield it the way God intended us to. I started to think about this in conjunction with my strength training.
I remember when I first started to wield the Word, it was hard, it was like working out a muscle that had never or had not been worked out in quite some time. It burned and felt like jello at first but then it became second nature to pick it up and wield after some time of working out that muscle. And then eventually, I had to increase my weight in order to continue to see results and not grow stagnate. That's where I am now spiritually.
Isaiah 40:31, " But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint."
While it is so important to work on the condition of our heart, cardio in exercise land, it is also super important to tone and strengthen our muscles. To wait on the Lord and renew our strength. To wield the Word so we can run even faster and not grow weary in our journey. To walk and not faint at the slightest test of our faith.
We have to get it all working together in order to see results. And we need results. When I say we, I mean me! I need them every moment, every day. No going back for me. I pray it's that way for you to. Exercise that muscle and watch God strengthen you in a way you have never seen before.
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