Anyway, I was contemplating this process of potty training and the Holy Spirit was reminding me that this process is much like our process with Him. With Sam, and with Parker, I had to train and remind them every step of the way, if you need to go potty, remember, don't pee pee or poo poo on the floor, remember here is your potty etc. It's constant until the habit forms and they've got it on their own. Success!
This is so how God is with us. First, just like with potty training, we have to say goodbye to the diapers and put on our big boy/girl underwear. Then we have to have our parent remind us of the change and keep reminding us until we get it.
If we want to be big boys and girls in the Kingdom of God we have to say goodbye to the diapers and put on our big boy/girl underwear! The way we do that is to totally submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. We have to allow Him to remind us and keep reminding us so we can mature. Sam has to submit to me as his authority in order for this process to work, right? Otherwise, it's gonna be a long road. Example, Parker, two years, with breaks in between because of submission issues (he really is the best kid ;).
This morning as I was praying before my workout, I realized over the last couple of weeks, while I have stayed in the Word, I haven't intentionally submitted myself to the Holy Spirit and His agenda which is super easy to do when you are constantly on the go, but still, no excuse. So I re-committed to that and I felt the weight I have been feeling with potty training starting, getting ready for homeschooling to start and just getting back into the routine of life itself lift off my shoulders. Peace and grace.
Proverbs 3:5-8, " Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh and strength to your bones."
If Sam were to lean on his understanding regarding potty training, he would never get trained because he doesn't know how to on his own. Same with us and God, we cannot lean on our own understanding when it comes to God and His ways, we have have trust in Him and let Him direct us, then the maturing begins!
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