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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Vision of the future

When you pull up the homepage of our church's website, there is a picture that brings me to tears and gives me great vision and hope. You see that girl in the purple shirt with her hands raised standing strong, worshiping? Yes, that's me...that's who I really am. A healthy, strong, full of life, woman of God! Not a sick, feeble person who can't hardly get off the couch.

I go to the site every week to listen to the messages and a few weeks ago when all of this started, I noticed this picture for the first time. It's so rare that I am on the stage these days so it seemed like God put that picture there just for me to have a visual of who I know that I really am. Proverbs 29:18, " Where there is no vision (revelation), the people perish." I am realizing that one of the things that really motivates me and keeps me walking by the spirit is vision of what God has on the other side of this process. Without that, I know that I would be perishing and not prospering.

There's a lot of us who when we are trying to lose weight, or have that dream vacation in mind or want to buy that new thing...we get a picture of when we were at our skinniest, a picture of the cruise ship or island that we can't wait to get to or a picture of that new thing we really want and we put it up in front of us to keep us motivated. To keep us pressing through whatever is trying to keep us from that goal. It's the same in the spirit. We have to use God's Word, put it in front of us and let that be our vision of what the future really holds. What's really true.

We have to remember that our reality is that we are made in God's image, He is spirit and so are we. So His Word is our picture to keep us full of vision and faith of what our future really looks like. I heard a prominent preacher say, " God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him and sickness and disease is not a reward." Right on, that's what I was thinking! We can apply this to every, finances, relationships...everything.

Hebrews 11:6, "  But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Have faith, that He exists and that He REWARDS us that diligently seek Him. REWARDS, NOT PUNISHES. Keep seeking God and you will have His vision for your life and you will see His reward manifest in you. Happy Sunday!

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