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Friday, March 23, 2012


Alright, where to begin? First let me say, it's all good. Chad and I are completely at peace and are believing that God is working on our behalf and did over this last week.

The first part of the diagnosis is dealing with the Autonomic Nervous system testing. We got those results back yesterday and on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the worst) I was a 1 as far as severity in the autonomic world. What that uncovered is that what is at work in me is a symptom called POTS - Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Which basically means that when I get up from the sitting position to standing up my blood vessels and heart are not doing their job that being the reason I feel like I am going to pass out every time I stand up and I feel like I am running a marathon just by standing. So here's how we fix that...exercise! LOL! Hilarious, right? This syndrome is mostly caused by the body being de-conditioned, example, me not being able to work out since last November and then being on the couch for almost 3 months. It can also come from spinal cord injury which they could not confirm or deny was ms related :-) More confirmation that my healing is intact! So to fix this, I have to start exercising laying down for a while and then finally get my strength to where it needs to be.

Part 2 of our diagnosis happened today and we believe that this is the cause for part 1. We met with our internal doctor this morning and every vile of blood he drew and every brain chemistry test we did indicated that my adrenal glands are pretty much non-existent. Adrenal Crisis in other words. Your levels are supposed to be in a range of 8-10 and mine are like .5-1...yes they call that pretty bad and the cause for my severe exhaustion. My blood pressure was apart of this and has been consistently low compared to my normal range over the last couple of years. Adrenal Crisis can be brought on by numerous things, one of the majors, pregnancy and just stress over time. So the solution, 2 pills, one to get my blood pressure back to normal and the other to produce cortisol in my body because it isn't doing it on it's own. We start tomorrow and the doc says I should notice an improvement in my body in just a couple of days time! We also did a food allergy test which re-confirmed and confirmed some new things that we are grateful for as we continue with the GI doctor to get those things straightened out.

Now, let me explain something...Chad and I are believing that whatever the reason for all of this stuff going on in my body is under the authority of the blood of  Jesus. One of my beautiful sister-in-laws brought these scriptures to my attention. In 2 Kings 20 it talks about Hezekiah's illnesses and how God told Him to put His house in order because he was going to die and not recover. Hezekiah then reminded the Lord of his faithfulness and wholehearted devotion to Him and He wept. Basically pleading with God. Sounds so familiar! Then God spoke through Isaiah a word for Hezekiah and this is what God told Isaiah to go back and tell Hezekiah in verses 5 and part of 6, " Go back and tell Hezekiah, the Lord, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and see your tears; I will heal you. On the third day from now you will go up to the temple of the Lord. I will add fifteen years to your life..." And this, to me, is the most interesting part. In verse 7 it says, " Then Isaiah said, " Prepare a poutice of figs.' They did so and applied it to the boil (on Hezekiah) and he recovered."

So not only did God hear their prayers but He provided a tangible answer to heal Hezekiah's body. I have never seen this before and it brings so much peace to my spirit to know that God is using these earthly things for my good. And it's okay. Please pray with us that these new things are sent from God. We know that He has heard our cry and is bringing restoration and recovery to this body. We have experienced God's love this week like never before and are so grateful for His favor and we know it's because you all have been standing with us too. GOD HEARS OUR PRAYERS! No matter what things feel or look like, He's there, listening, as we plead with Him. And He meets us where we are as we fervently seek Him out. It's amazing.

The journey continues...keep tracking with us as we keep discovering God in new ways...I know it will continue to build your faith just like it's been building ours.

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