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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Quick Update...Because I am having an Out of Body Experience

Hey everyone, I just wanted to type up a quick update to let you know that we had some, what we believe to be huge information regarding what's going on. I can't go into detail at this time but need to tell you just one thing that God did for us yesterday so that you can all be praying.

I have been saying for about a year that the medication that I have been on for ms has been hurting me and not helping me. I have even brought it up many times to my doctors. I just feel toxic and could journal to the tee what I feel every week due to this medication. We have stayed on it, a little out of fear and because we didn't really have a safer alternative and because of our doubt that God has not healed me of ms. There's the truth.

Here's the miracle, for us, of yesterday, my doctors have told me that I have to stop the shots due to the fact that they are indeed hurting me! After reviewing recent blood workups and those previous, the data is consistent with the fact that I have to stop taking the medication, no if, ands or buts! Are you kidding me? And, yes that is a good are you kidding me. When they told me this, nothing but peace flooded my spirit and even my flesh. I felt something in my spirit and my flesh leap and lift. I can hardly explain it. God did it. He made the decision for us, just like I have been asking Him to do all this time. To lead us into all truth.

My doctors are having us research some other stuff that I can't get into as of yet. My point today is that I have every reason to be so afraid of what the outcome of coming off of this medication COULD BE, BUT I HAVE NO DOUBT AND NO FEAR  that this is completely, 100% God! That little lying voice in my head that was yelling at me all year long, it's still there, but I am having to strain to hear him...what a miracle in and of itself.

So, please pray with us, for us, however the Holy Spirit leads because we have some crucial steps of faith to take from here on out. Yesterday morning, we cried out to God and He heard our cry and we believe that He is answering us. That the fullness of time is here. Please pray that we will stay sensitive to the Holy Spirit and that we will continue to have this peace that passes all of our understanding.

I know there is more to come!


  1. Oh Mandy! That is great news. Wow. God made it easier than you thought by making that decision through the doctors. I am so happy for you! Thanks for the update.

    1. Thanks Chels...God even uses people who don't know Him. If that doesn't show His love and mercy for us, I don't know what will.

  2. Mandy I am so very glad to hear this! I have been following all this very closely and holding you up in prayer. I know the Lord is leading you. He is having mercy and hearing your cry. He will bring you out into victory! Thank you for keeping us posted! Much love and many prayers!

    1. Thank you so much Tamara. We are very much at peace and just waiting on God so keep praying!
