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Wednesday, August 1, 2012


So I literally just made it from the bedroom to couch this morning. I awoke this morning to a body that has spiraled back into an adrenal crisis, so the doctors think, again. I am experiencing some very familiar things and some very new and intense things. To say the least, my body feels horrible. What's awesome though is that my mind doesn't feel horrible. Do I want to be going through this? Uh, no...but God is really ordering our steps this morning as we seek Him and we are getting the council that we need to hopefully avoid the ER once again.

While I can't hardly stand on my own two feet today, I can truly depend on God's Word to be living and active in my body and in my life today. I have no desire to even question's the only way. Jesus is it for me folks...His Word and power is all that I have.

Psalm 60:12, " With God we will gain the victory, and He will trample down our enemies."

Psalm 62:1 + 2, " My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken."

Yes, that is really what I believe. God is not gonna forsake me, so there is no reason for me to be shaken by what I feel or see today. I am so confident in this and amazed that I am. I don't even have to work at convincing myself.

Call it denial, but I refuse to believe that God is gonna leave me right here. Keep praying for us, please don't back down, we need all of it.


  1. Girl I hurt for you
    I wish I knew why you can't just be healed

    1. Thank Steph, it's okay...I actually have some really interesting things developing and next steps...I will be updating much to explain and do tonight...thank you for praying, ya'll have a great night at ets...wish I could be there :)
