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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Still here!

Ok, so week one off of injections! Praise God! Over the last 5 days I have had this horrible, increasing pain in the left side of my head. What people would say shingles feels like. I thought I could just mask the pain and keep rolling but it hit me hard yesterday and is still that way today. So we just came from the doctor and good thing we did!

We needed a face to face meeting with my neurologist anyway since all of this has happened with coming off of medications and investigating new ones etc. So, it made since with my condition and the questions that were stirring in us to take the open slot that they squeezed us in today.

Here's what came out of it, I am encouraged by all of it. This thing on my head is believed to be an infection, not ms related (because, side note, God has healed me of ms :-). So antibiotic and a stronger pain pill so that I can actually lay on my head at night to sleep! Number 2 we got to talking about why I was taken off the injections. It is because my white blood cell counts have apparently been low over the last 6 months and slowly declining. Well here's the good news, in my opinion, she had me go to the lab to get tested for my current white blood cell count, and some other stuff on top. If the cell count is not coming back up being off the injections then that indicates that there may be something else going on that is causing all of this mess and yet another open door to figure out why I have been going through all of this to begin with. Yes that is super encouraging to me because, again, not ms related! The favor of God was so present. My doctor even said to us that she went through my whole history/chart last night because she is really concerned that we may be missing something. God is using someone that may not even know Him...if that doesn't show us the love and mercy of God, nothing will.

So we are waiting to see what the results look like, hopefully within the next couple of days. If they are still low, then we pursue this open door to see what can be revealed. Through my agony and tears over the last couple of days the only thing I have been able to keep saying is, " I trust You God, I trust You God, I need You to come through for me, I trust You God."

In my spirit, I believe 100% that God has healed me of ms. In my flesh it's almost laughable how opposite my body feels to this truth. What's amazing is even my neurologist, whom is amazing and very sweet but still is working out of the box she has been trained in, agreed that we needed to take more time to detox this body of mine from everything so that we can truly see where I am at before taking another step towards medications.

My prediction is that once I am free from the chemicals and all of this weaning junk, that my body is going to line up the way God intended it to and we are going to see that God has really healed me. I believe that God is working this situation so that when it all happens, NOBODY will question that it is Him that has done this miracle...nobody. There will be no doctors or medications or earthly solutions that will take the place of Him being the answer. Amazing.

The hard part, is enduring and living in this body of mine until the manifestation of that miracle comes. That's why I have to stay so grounded in the Word and I need all of you praying for Chad and I to have the faith, the grace and the strength to stick this out so we can walk into our promise land.

For now, I am thanking God for today. For His grace being sufficient for today. For life today. For breathe in my lungs today. For being able to walk today. I know God's got this, I just need my tormented flesh to be convinced of that and my mind to be continually renewed to this truth.

What an amazing journey this is....thanks again for standing with us...keep praying and please keep believing...


  1. Girl, all I can say is I love you! I'm praying for you and will continue to!! I believe in my spirit with you that God has healed you! Speak that Amen! II Cor. "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through Him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God" Let it be so!

    1. Thank you so much Tamara! You are so amazing and I so appreciate your words of encouragement and your faithfulness to pray for us. We need it and we cherish it!
