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Thursday, January 10, 2013

“It’s Like Magic But Real”

Ok, I know this is awful, but one of my favorite commercials of the football season is a beer commercial. It plays out like this…4 guys sitting in the stands and their team is going for the winning point in the last seconds of the game and they are all holding their beer labels out for good luck. Well the 4th guy doesn’t know about this “good luck” charm and his buddy next to him says, “ It’s like magic, but real.” LOL….I crack up every time!

I got to thinking about God and the miraculous and that phrase fits so perfectly! Miracles are like magic, but real! I know because I am walking one out right now. We see Jesus performing them in the bible. And if you are standing and waiting for your miracle it’s really hard to read about others or see others in present day receiving theirs and you are waiting on the sidelines. Always the bridesmaid never the bride syndrome. Jesus says in John 14:11, “ Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves.”

Yes, it is hard to believe and not doubt that God can really do it. That it’s real before it actually becomes real. I have been there and still am every day even though God is proving Himself in my journey. My body is leagues from being what I would consider to be a miracle. But I believe John 14:11. I believe Jesus is real and is alive and active and He cannot lie. His Word cannot return void. If it’s working at all in your life, it has to manifest itself 100% at some point. That timing, well, that’s up to Him.

It all goes back to that root of fear and doubt. When Chad and I started this blog one of my very first posts was about losing fear and doubt. It’s so important!!! How else can we embrace that God is not some mystical, magical, fairy tale person? This isn’t a Disney movie…this is life…and it’s real…and it’s painful…and we need God to be real and every promise that goes with Him.

Last night, I was given the incredible honor of being apart of the team for our worship night and my miracle this time was that I stood almost the entire time I was up there singing! Just last month, I had to sit the whole time and could barely breathe to get through the night! Praise God!

So labels out for me…or at least my Bible out and I know Jesus is going to get the winning points.

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