One of me and Chad's favorite tv series is a series called "Lost". It stopped airing a guess a couple of years ago, anyway, it just captured us from the very first show. Being laid up these last couple of days with a tube down my nose and throat, which thank God is out now, I needed some distraction so I have been watching the series again. I know, should be doing something much more spiritual, don't judge me!
Well anyway, to my point, if you've seen the show then you know who "The Others" are. If you haven't I won't ruin the show for you, I will just get a brief synopsis. This is a show about a plane full of people who crash on this mystical island and go through a series of things all the while there are these "others" that they discover live on the island to. That's all I'll say, which is already too much if you haven't seen it, but oh well....SPOILER ALERT!
Okay, so how does this pertain to what I am writing today. I have been thinking about all "the others" who are walking through a similar situation as me. Many of them are overcoming and God has them in a process of recovery and many of them have, in our eyes, lost the battle and their lives. I got to thinking, what's the difference between me and "the others", the one's that have lost their lives to sickness and disease.
At first, I was all cocky about it and was like, well maybe they just didn't seek God like me, I know, I repented of that as soon as my mind betrayed me with this thought, don't worry. I was appalled that would even be a thought in my mind because that's not what my heart really knows or thinks. The truth is that God, He is no respecter of persons. There is a couple of places this is spoken in the Word.
One of them being in
Acts 10:34-35, "
Then Peter began to speak: 'I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right."
Now, I am not saying that those who receive their healing fear God more or do what is right more than those who don't receive their healing. I can't even begin to understand the sovereignty of God. This is a subject that God is just opening me to. The truth is, there is no difference between me and "the others". The only difference is the path that God, in His sovereignty, has laid out for us. What we do with it, well, maybe that's what makes a difference to.
Romans 2:13, "
For it is not those who HEAR the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who OBEY the law who will be declared righteous."
While I believe that we do not have to die from sickness and disease because we have that promise from God, I'm not so sure that our perspective might be off when someone does die. We think it's a horrible thing, but how do we know that God wasn't sparing them from something much worse. That doesn't make them any less righteous. "The others" that I have walked with feared God and did what is right in His sight. They obeyed His Word. It's all very mind boggling.
This is why we have to fully trust the love of God in our lives and know that He has our best interest in mind. He knows the desires of our hearts. And He knows that we want to walk out life to it's fullest and we have to trust that if He calls it, then it's the best thing. I know this seems morbid, I don't mean it that way. I'm just sorting through my questions about this too. We have all asked this question. Why them and not me? Or, why me and not them? God's ways may be mysterious, but all we have to know is that they are good, no matter what our perception.
Tomorrow is the last of our tests in the GI department, so your prayers are much needed and appreciated. I have to begin fasting this afternoon for a 24 hour period, so excuse me while I go eat as much as possible before all the fun begins! Keep God's Word in front of you, no matter what. This is the only way we will know Him and even begin to understand Him. Out of this we will continue to know, see and feel His love for us and we will be able to fully trust Him.