I awake pretty much every morning with the reminder that I have not yet received my physical miracle. Some mornings it's really discouraging and some mornings I just try and ignore it and run as fast as I can to the Word and get my spirit awakened to the truth and that's how I make it through the day. Holding on to those promises and fighting for what is rightfully mine as a child of God. The truth is that I really need a miracle for this body to ever be the same again. I'm not discouraged by this, but am just anxious to have it.
I had a funny thought this morning that what my body is on the outside is totally different from what I perceive myself to be on the inside. My body feels weak and fragile on the outside, but on the inside, in my spirit I feel like two popular characters.

The first character being The Hulk! You know the guy who turns into a big green monster and pretty much destroys everything in his path. He's awesome! I'm sure I am surprising some of you right now, but He was especially amazing in "The Avengers" (seeing this movie was a part of my Mother's Day :-) I won't spoil anything, but He was amazing in this movie. He is one of the good guys and uses that anger for good. The reason I feel like him on the inside is because everyday in the spirit, I get so angry against the spirit of sickness and disease. When I am armored up in my green suite I start kicking butt and taking names in the spirit. I have a righteous anger that just won't let me be tempered or won't let me back down from the fight!

Secondly, I feel like I have a little Violet Beauregarde in me. You know the highly competitive and driven little girl in the newest version of the movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". She is so funny, she always has her eye on the prize and she doesn't back down from the competition, even to her own hurt. My reason for feeling like her is because first I am extremely driven in my spirit to keep my eye on the ultimate prize and secondly I feel like I am competing against the enemy so that competitive spirit rises up in me because I want to win this battle!
I know that I am going to get my miracle, even though some days it doesn't feel like that. I am standing on every promise in the Word of God and keeping my righteous anger and my fight. I will not give in. I will not except anything less than what God has promised!
Joshua 21:45, "
Not a word failed of any good thing, which the Lord had spoken, ALL CAME TO PASS."
So who are you on the inside?
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