The point this pastor was trying to make is that we have to run through the darkness sometimes to get to the empty tomb. The empty tomb represents Jesus' Resurrection and His Resurrection represents life, and hell being defeated and all of the promises that He spoke into existence being living and active in our lives! While there are times that we have to fight the darkness, there are times we just need to run straight through it.
Running in this instance represents seeking God, getting in His Word, praying, running after Him, finding Him, that He's alive. I'm not worried about what's in the darkness or what's surrounding me, I am just running through it as fast as I can to get to the Light! That's where deliverance, healing, redemption and restoration is.
1 Peter 2:9, " But you are chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God , that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light."
The Holy Spirit was given to us and He is calling from the other side of the darkness, calling us into the light. We can't be afraid of the darkness, we just have to trust that He is there on the other side and run straight through it to Him.
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