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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bad Dream, but I have Good News

We all have them. Parker, our sweet 3 1/2 year old, woke up this morning around 6am screaming for Chad and a couple of minutes later I hear them both re-enter our room. Parker says, " There was a snake and he got to close to me. " Doing what every mommy does I said, " Oh baby, there's no snake, it was just a dream, just pretend. Daddy and Mommy won't let any snakes get you." Then he said, " I don't wanna go outside anymore because the snake will get me." So I said, " No honey, we won't let any snakes get you outside, we will keep you safe." Parker, " Ok, if you see one you need to get your garden tools and kill it!" Me, " Of course honey, we won't let it get you." That was indeed a bad dream for a 3 year old and those of you who know Parker, he would never not want to go outside! After doing my best to comfort him, I laid there for about an hour just praying over our home, Chad, me, Parker and Sam and as I did that, God started to speak His comfort to me.

During this journey, I have often wished that it was all just a bad dream, because there have been days where it has felt like an absolute nightmare. Being the amazing Father that He is, He comforts me through His Word and any other means of comfort He can offer.

Paul says in 2 Corinthians 1: 3-7, " Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all COMFORT, who COMFORTS us in ALL our troubles, so that we can COMFORT those in any trouble with the COMFORT we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our COMFORT overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your COMFORT and salvation; if we are COMFORTED, it is for your COMFORT, which produces in you PATIENT ENDURANCE of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our COMFORT."

There are so many things to pull from this but the thing that sticks out the most is that God COMFORTS us in ALL of our troubles. And a lot of the time our process isn't just for us. It's to help bring comfort to others who are suffering, not just people with what I'm going through, but any kind of suffering. I know that this blog has served that purpose in many ways. This may sound prideful, I don't mean it that way, but I come back to my blog to re-read for my own encouragement and comfort. It's God's Word and comfort for me for that day. It's God speaking through me, to me! I know that sounds funny, but it's so true!

When I told Parker this morning that what he had dreamed was just pretend, it comforted him. That's what God does for me everyday through His words. He reminds that what I am going through is just a bad dream, just pretend and reality is when I am awake in Him. Awake in His Word and what He is saying. That's my reality.

We got a really great report yesterday from our Endocrinologist. I had a test done to see if I was indeed having a primary adrenal issue and the results were awesome. No primary adrenal issue, everything is working on it's own, therefore I can continue to wean off the steroids. He believes they helped me to recover from a secondary adrenal issue that was caused by the high dose steroids that I received over a month ago. So we are moving forward. Next is to visit the GI docs and investigate everything from there. In the meantime, God is restoring me and giving me the grace to walk through the process.

One more thing, I promise :-) I got to go to my church this past Sunday! This was such a victory for me. It was one of my desires and God made it happen. He gave me the desires of my heart and is continuing to. Alright, enough for today...don't forget to stay awake in Him!


  1. Yay for good news. We were so happy to have you with us at church yesterday. A huge defeat for the devil I would say. Thanks for all your thoughts and being so vulnerable. They have encouraged me greatly.

    1. Thanks Chels...I saw it as a huge victory for sure. Actually every time I see you walk into church I have thought the same thing. Victory. Thanks for encouraging me, it helps me to stay vulnerable and extremely humbled :)
