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Friday, May 11, 2012

My Theme Song a Sneak Peek

While I know that God has me right where He wants me currently, I have a healthy balance of not being settled in the fact that this season is forever. However, I still have my fleshly moments where I feel insignificant in the midst of the bigger picture. There is so much that I have done and so much that I have seen, it's hard to sit back and just be. There is still so much to do and so much to see, so I know that it's only a season.

I have really been getting a bit restless regarding a few things and one of those is the cd project that is completely on hold that I started last year. I am, and I know this is not the right choice of words, anxious to get back to it. I want to sing again, minister again, be used in that way again. It's hard some days to lay that part of me down and just let God continue His process in me. If you are reading the blog today you get a sneak peak...the title of the cd that we are working on is " Still my Soul ". Makes me laugh, because God gave this title to me before all of this happened. There are two ways to look at this. One, still my soul as in give me peace, still my restless soul that has been on a roller coaster ride and the other..still my soul as in, no matter what is happening around me, still my soul will bless You Jesus. So here's my theme song or the scripture God is sustaining me with right now.

Psalm 62:1-2, " My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken."

Everything around me is shaking as hard as it can it seems so much that I feel the shaking even in my physical body. But because my soul finds it's rest in God alone, He is my fortress, my hiding place from the war, I will not be shaken. I will be still and I will submit myself to God and make my soul be stilled and I will never stop seeking Him and trusting in His salvation and His plans to prosper me.

We are only a few days away from getting all of the GI testing done. They start on Monday and end Wednesday evening. How am I? Thanks for asking :-) My soul is finding rest in God alone and I am totally at peace. We appreciate all of you who are praying and ask that as God leads you that you would continue to. We feel like we are pregnant and we are in those last few weeks where the grace is wearing thin and we are feeling the contractions and just want to see the end of all of this. We want to see the beautiful baby that God is going to birth on the other side of this. We want to see what it looks like, feel it, grow it...I have lots of hope...if there's something I've learned with both of my pregnancies, it would be that the baby can't stay in there forever! We are gonna see the other side, we just have to stay still and rest in God alone.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of one of your favorite songs when you were a teen...."In Christ alone I place my trust and find my glory in the power of the cross, In every victory let it be said of me, My source of strength, my source of hope Christ alone...." Psalms 71:14...and will yet praise thee more and more...that's really beautiful...Still my soul....amazing correlation.....our Bishop calls it a "yet" praise...Job 13:15 Blessings, Mom
