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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

On The Move

So I finished my book and there's so much weighing on my spirit these days. It's like all of the sudden, I don't matter as much as the other people around me who are suffering. Those of you who know me well, know that I care for people, but to be completely honest, because of the positions of leadership God has put me in, I have really had to work hard at this. I don't believe myself to be an on purpose selfish person, or self-centered person but instead of this learned habit of loving and caring for those around me, God is replacing it with a true change in my heart towards people. Bottom line...I care. What?!?! Even for people that aren't in my so called "circle". You know what I'm saying.Another break through for me in this journey. Gonna need this for what's on the other side for sure.

Let me explain, in all of the spiritual gift tests that I have taken, I rank about a 2% in the category of mercy. I know, that sounds awful right? I just have a lot of fight and my number 1 spiritual gift is perception. So God has been teaching me how to balance the perspective He gives me with the mercy that has to go with it for many people to receive what He is saying through me. My number 2 spiritual gift is exhortation aka encouragement. Having perception and exhortation go hand in hand but man, I have had to learn not to plow right through people and balance it with mercy, grace and time.

To get to my point...pretty much my whole family is in the process of actually moving. One of my sisters just moved into a new house, my parents just moved and are still in the process of moving, my other sister is on her way to possibly moving and my brother just got approved for his first house. Whew! I know, that's a lot of stress, for them anyway, lol! I haven't been able to help at all, what a shame (totally kidding :-) . Anyway, Chad and I are the only ones who are not physically moving, BUT, we are spiritually moving and it's just as hard as physically moving, in my opinion anyway ;-). Moving forward, moving upward...just moving requires energy and muscle. The statistic out there is that moving is ranked number 5 in a list of stressful life events. Number 5, that's pretty close to the top of the list if you ask me.

You all have been with us in the process. You have seen how God has been moving us and not just moving us, but unpacking every box in our lives. Completely emptying us so that we can be complete and ready for what He has next.

Let me tell, just like in a physical move, there are a lot more boxes to be unpacked in me than I realized. You pretty much all know the get to that point where you are so exhausted from unpacking that you start shoving boxes in closets and you say, " I'll get to that later". LOL...anybody who has moved, I don't care how determined you are, you run out of steam! Only this time, instead of running out of steam spiritually, I am producing more steam, by way of tears. I have never cried so much in my life! It's because God is moving me and saying to me, " Let's get this box unpacked. You can do it, let's keep moving." And I am just too tired to fight Him and so we keep moving, we keep unpacking, even though it hurts and it's okay, it's right where I want to be and where I believe He has been trying to get me to through this whole process. He is working all things for His glory and my good. His ultimate goal, that we are made into the image of Him, that we look like Him...that's what brings Him glory and results in our good.

Romans 8:28, " And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."

I will leave you with this thought, because it's what God is working with me on now. Is God's perspective of good, the same as our perspective of good? Hmmm...,more to come.

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