The above scripture has been one that has been sticking out to me over the last week or so. I want to pull out what has been highlighted as I read it. The word Touched means-to come into or be in contact with.
I think it's amazing that the scripture says, " And as many as TOUCHED Him were made well." So as many people that came into or were in contact with Jesus were healed. The thing to remember is that the word touched is an action word. It's a verb. Those people had to intentionally come into or be in contact with Jesus in order to receive their healing.
Same for us. Whether it be spiritual or physical sickness, we have to intentionally reach and come into contact with the hem of His garment. That's another thing. Just the hem of His garment could heal people. They didn't have to maul Jesus or hug Him and He didn't even have to lay His hands on them! They just had to intentionally come into contact with Him and just touch His clothes and the smallest part of his clothes at that.
When we are so consumed with what's going on in our lives, it seems like this is such an impossibility. But when we access God's Word and intentionally worship Him it's easy to come in contact with Him.
It's this simple...James 4:8, " Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." You see, He comes our way so it's not so hard to touch Him. He closes the gap when we do our part. BUT WE HAVE TO DO OUR PART.
So how do we touch Him?
1. Pray and Submit ourselves to Him and the Holy Spirit
2. Worship Him, get in His presence
3. Read the Word
Just speaking from experience, those are the things that I have done to touch Him and He has healed me. Not just on the outside, but from the inside out. Those are by no means the only ways to touch Jesus, just to clarify. But that has been what has worked in my life.
The enemy's scheme is to make you think that you have to move heaven and earth to get close to God. That is a lie and a deception and I am here to tell you that whether you are bed ridden or the strongest person in the world, all you have to do is intentionally reach out and touch Him and He WILL heal you!
Jesus didn't limit who He healed. " As MANY as touched Him were made well." My invitation to you today is to come and be apart of the MANY who are intentionally touching Jesus. Don't let anything hold you back. You are just inches away from complete freedom.