Anywho, lately as I have been running, I realized something. Before God healed me of multiple sclerosis, I would get on my elliptical and run as fast as I could away from all of my issues and problems and now I find myself running as fast as I can towards the presence of God so that any issue that comes my way will be thwarted and defeated because of the power of God in my life.
It's going to seem like I am all over the map with this blog but I promise there's a point! Yesterday our pastor's message was titled " Be one. Make one." All about the Great Commission out of Matthew 28. He was making a point about the fact that all of us have issues that we are passionate about. That we would say, " I wish the church would just rise up and do something about this." That kind of passion. Then he began to show us how the greatest strategy to all of these issues getting resolved is doing as Jesus said in Matthew 28:18-20, " All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." In other words, if we follow this then every issue will be resolved. Because if we are intentionally going, making and teaching people to be like Jesus, then, well, duh, of course everything will be resolved from this. He is the Beginning and the End. The answer to all things.
I realized after listening to that message that I am extremely passionate about two issues:
1. Physical Healing in the body of Christ
2. The battle field of the mind coming from a worship standpoint.
To be perfectly honest, I have been a bit burdened thinking about how will God ever use me to resolve these issues. Well, I realized, He already is! I am going, making, baptizing and teaching people through this blog and through one on one encounters on these issues and seeing God do amazing things. I mean all I have to do is look at my own life and see what God has done in these two areas and know that God can do it. But the only reason that God is miraculously working in my life is because I am intentionally submitting myself to Him and His authority and therefore I am running forward, yet keeping in step with what He is doing. His agenda, not mine, even though we all have our own agenda.
If we submit to the Great Commission we will see all the things we are passionate about come under the submission of the Holy Spirit and from there either they will not be issues that concern Him, if you catch my drift, or they will begin to resolve themselves and advance the Kingdom of God.
With this in mind, I no longer feel the burden of the issues I am passionate about. I am just going to keep running after Him and keeping in step with Him. His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:30).
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