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Monday, February 13, 2012

The word of the season, ding, ding, ding...PROCESS!!!

On Thursday, actually the date of my last post, that morning God was saying a lot of things to me. But one thing, I know for sure that He has released me to talk to you (me) about to today. As I was reading  my healing scriptures for that day and got to this one, Mark 16:17 + 18, " And these signs shall follow those who believe...they will lay hands on the sick, and they will RECOVER."  As you may have noticed, I magnified the word RECOVER, that's because when I was reading this scripture that's exactly how that word looked to me when I was reading it. So I thought, hmmm, what does the word recover really mean? To I go!

Recover means: to get back or regain (something lost or taken away). Let me stop right here, this is really important to understand. The night before, I believed that I was healed from ms, like scripture says, those who believe, were believing and laying hands on me so that word is true for me, I WILL RECOVER. I will get back or REGAIN what was lost and taken away from me, my health. So the next question arose in me...what does the word REGAIN really mean? Oh good, I am already on :-) Shall we?

Regain means: to take or get back; to reach again, the process of getting something back. The process....the process...the process of getting something back. So that means, according to Matthew 16:17 +18, that I am in the PROCESS of getting my health back. So that's why I don't feel automatically different. So I started wondering what is the difference between the word recover and heal? HEAL means: to make healthy, whole, or sound; restore to health;free from ailment. I know that God can do the miraculous, heal people on the spot, He did all the time and still does today. He hasn't changed, but for some reason this scripture says recover not heal. Two totally different words and meanings.

Then God led me to one more scripture to tie this all together. James 5:14 + 15, " Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will RAISE him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven." You know what's next, right? Lol....thank you!

Raise means: to build, to set up the framework of, to set upright. Ok, so let me tie this whole thing together. That scripture did not specifically say the word heal either. It says that, " the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up." The Lord will build (this speaks of a process) him up. This all gave me so much hope because I want to see God's Word living and active in my life. Now that I understand what it is really saying, I can see that it is indeed living and active in my life. I am regaining, building, in the PROCESS of taking my health back. So what if I didn't feel anything that night in my physical body...God's Word didn't say lay hands on the sick and they shall feel something in their physical body, at least that's what I see. He said they shall recover...regain...and be raised, be built...a work in progress or shall we say process.

Last thing, I promise, that Thursday night, at dinner, Chad says to me, you know that scripture that says (he summarized) "they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover"? He said, " I was thinking about what the word RECOVER means." WHAT???!!! Cue the biggest smile on my face! I then explained to him what God was showing me that very morning. God is so good to us. He has us in a process for a reason. He wants for us to take back, reach again and build for a reason or He wouldn't have put those specific words in His Word. Rejoice in your process because that's where He is!!!

1 comment:

  1. The process!!!!! This is so where I am right now. Thanks so much for sharing what God is doign in your life. Yesterday's message was so good and perfect for this season. I'm in Jericho waiting for the walls to tumble. WE WILL RECOVER!!
