First, the main scripture that I want to correlate with this story is James 2:17, " In the same way, faith by itself if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." We have pretty much all heard this from the pulpit, "faith without works is dead", interpreted many different ways. Being in a position where I am really living a life that is by faith, it has taken on a whole new depth and meaning to me.
After some bantering between David and Goliath, the fight between them begins. Basically David, came at Goliath in the name of the Lord, not by might and brute strength like Goliath. David struck Goliath down with a stone to the head, badda bing, and then, well, cut his head off for good measure. All the people cheered and there you go...David and Goliath went down in history!
So, what am I getting out of this:
1. When the battle seems to big to fight and we turn away from the giants in our lives, we miss out on the victory.
There were a lot of soldiers that wouldn't face Goliath, therefore they did not get the reward that Saul was offering. My battle seems harder than it's been and I know that's because I am about to walk into victory. I just have to be brave enough to face it head on and keep pressing through, despite how big and ugly it may look.
2. That bit about the armor being to big and not befitting of David...that to me is like all of my doctors saying to me, " Try this medicine." or " Let's see if this procedure or option will fit your situation and make you better." And here I am saying, " It's too big, it's too heavy, this can't be good for me, if I am gonna fight, I am gonna fight in the manner that God intended me to fight!"
3. And lastly, it wasn't enough for David to just trust and believe God that he could kill Goliath. David had to physically walk out there and face the giant. He had to physically throw that stone and chop off his head. HE HAD TO PUT WORKS TO HIS FAITH!
There are a lot of what I call "faith actions" that God has been telling me take. They are simple to most, but to me it's like facing Goliath with nothing but my trust in the Almighty God, my staff and my sling shot! Still, I am moving forward despite what the Saul's in my life might try to say to me. I am putting action to my faith as the next step to overcoming in this journey.
We are on the last week of the drug wean, then just a couple of weeks of whatever after that, then we should be able to get a good idea of what my body is like without massive amounts of chemicals in it. I am experiencing lots of stuff, but God's grace really has been sufficient. Please keep praying for us. We need it now more than ever.
We know that God is up to really good things and we don't want to run the other way and miss the victory! Love you all and thanks again for walking this out with us...
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