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Monday, October 28, 2013

It's Tricky but it's most definitely a Treat

I have been sitting on this for a couple of weeks now. Not knowing how to approach it. But I guess given the title this is the week to talk about it! Being led by the Spirit. A common thing in my life right now, as you all know. The whole concept of not moving unless He speaks. Truly being led by His thoughts, actions, words etc. I have found this to be very tricky but yet extremely rewarding, like reaching into a cookie jar and finding that one cookie with the most chocolate chips in it! Well, it's way more amazing than that, but you get my point.

The Holy Spirit has been talking to me about not only what it means to be led by the Spirit but also what being led by the Spirit should be producing in my life.

Galatians 5:22-25, " But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us us keep in step with the Spirit."

So, this scripture has been reeling in my mind for these last couple of weeks. I have been questioning, okay, am I really walking in step with the Spirit of God? How much have I really matured in this area? Well here's my grid. This is the scripture that helps me gauge where I am truly at in this area. Am I producing the fruit that should be produced by being led by the Spirit of God, by walking in step with Him? Let's break it down...take a little test per say...

Love-to have a profoundly tender, passionate affection
I can say this particular fruit is fairly easy for me to walk in, especially for those who are close to me. God has definitely matured me in my love for those that are not close to me, if you read my last blog, you can see evidence of that.

Joy-a state of happiness or felicity(bliss)
I know for sure that this is a fruit that is being produced in my life! After last year and all it's madness and all things that are not joyful, I can say I have taken having joy to a whole new level lol! Life is to short to not try to find joy in everything that is around me.

Peace-untroubled;tranquil; content
Okay, now this one is a little harder because to stay in this state and produce this fruit, I have to keep Philippians 4:6-7 right in front of me everyday. But when I do submit to this word, then peace is produced.

Patience-quiet, steady perseverance, even tempered care; diligence
I have always said this has never been a strong attribute of mine, but in reading this definition, I have to say that most of it I can confidently say I am walking it out. In order to be where I am physically, spiritually and emotionally these days, I have had to live out this definition every moment.

Kindness-friendly feeling; liking
Um, still working on this one. I know, that sounds awful. I am a naturally friendly person and I can love everybody, but I am really having to work on the whole liking part :-)

Goodness-moral excellence; virtue
Well, I'd be lying if I said I was excellent at anything because that would require some level of perfection that I cannot claim to have in any area of my life. However, when I am submitted to the Holy Spirit, I walk in excellence and virtue. So I guess the maturity here is that I have this quality because of my willingness to submit.

Faithfulness-reliable, trusted, or believed. 
With the risk of sounding prideful, this is a fruit that I believe I have successfully learned to walk out.

Gentleness-kindly; amiable
I'm kind, and mostly amiable ;-)

Self-control-control or restraint of oneself or one's actions, feelings, etc. 
Okay, now this is really the one that God has been talking to me about big time. It's not like I am walking around beating people up or anything. But I am an emotional person, if you haven't noticed, well at least internally and when things are stirring in me it's hard for me to control what comes out of my mouth sometimes. I will say, because of the Holy Spirit and the Word, it has gotten easier to control those opinions and say what He wants, not speak out of my emotions or my feelings, but more out of what is truth or fact. Now, physically, especially this time of year, self-control in the area of eating, at least the very little that I can eat, I have felt so convicted! Wanting sweets and all the things that I know reek havoc on my body...God has been working with me on this. I have to be able to control myself in all areas if I am being led by Him. This is sooooo hard!

Okay so my grade on this test...well it's certainly not an A+ but I am working on it! I want to produce the fruits of being led by the Spirit otherwise how do I know that I am really being led by Him in every area of my life. I know that we will always fall short, so by no means am I putting that pressure on myself, however, I will strive to do my best.

It's tricky walking by the Spirit because we are made of flesh and we live in a fleshy world. But when we realize that we have authority over this world and over our flesh and the ability to submit to the Spirit of God it's most assuredly an incredible treat and honor to walk with Jesus, Himself and all that He is.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Week of Weeping

I have been waiting for the Holy Spirit to allow me to write this week. And now all of the sudden in my exhausted state, yet grateful state, and sorrow that has finally been allowed to flow after standing strong as long as possible, He allows me to.

This morning I had the absolute honor of singing and celebrating a sweet, amazing woman of God who was taken from this world way to early. Leaving behind a mom, a dad, a sister and brother-in-law and many others I'm sure I will never know. Yes, a plot of the enemy no doubt, but God still getting the glory for it. It was powerful, sad, tragic...the list could go on, but ultimately, she was celebrated and God got all the glory.

Tomorrow, I get the incredible honor of singing and celebrating an amazing man of God, that was also taken way before his time. Leaving behind a beautiful wife and 6 amazing children. Another plot of the enemy, not in the order of what the Word of God and the promises that He has laid out for us. Tragic in it's own way. Yet, God will get all the glory for his life as well tomorrow and for days to come, I have no doubt.

There has been such an opportunity to live under such a banner of death and oppression this week. Not just from the two amazing people that I speak of in this blog but even more that are within my spiritual family, who are suffering great loss on this earth.  It's funny how the enemy thinks he has won by destroying our flesh. Yes it's so sad to lose those we love, but for the believer, we are here one second and then with Jesus the next when our flesh is done and because of our relationship with Jesus, our legacy lives on and He continues to get all the glory. No victory for the enemy if we have the right perspective.

Before these last two years, I didn't ever really show my emotion. I am an introvert when it comes to that...I know, you're like, " whatever, yeah right". But those of you who know me, know this to be the truth. But God, in His process with me, has broken me so deeply, where that has changed for the betterment of me and for the advancing of His Kingdom. What's awesome is that it's not my flesh crying out, it's the Spirit of God, who is so active and alive in me, crying out for His people. He has given me the privilege of feeling His heart in certain situations. An honor yes, no doubt. The most painful thing I could ever feel emotionally yes, no doubt.

Romans 8:26, " In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans."

It's hard to know what to pray, when no words seem right. I've always thought myself weak in that broken down state, but the Word says that even Jesus, Himself has wordless groans. When I am weeping and groaning, it's wordless, I'll tell you that much. I am weak, but being connected and submitted to His Spirit makes me sensitive to His heart and what He cares about making me stronger and more effective in His Kingdom. 

This, my friends, only comes by us dying to ourselves and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us. We have to get out of the way so that He can be the WAY. I can't help but believe that the enemy wouldn't have the ability to cause such destruction if we all strive to live this way, sensitized to Him. 

We will all face death. Fact. But, I believe it's for God to determine the how, the what, the when, not this world. Although we live in a fallen world, we have authority over this world the Word says. SO LET'S WALK THAT WAY! Let's be righteously angered when God's people are taken before their time. That's what makes us move and aware that we do not fight against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12). That's our reality as believers. We are spirit beings, we are not of this world and never will be. I sure don't want to be. I know you don't either. Let's walk it out together, let's rally and take authority where authority has been given and keep the victory that our loving and faithful Jesus has paid an amazing price for.