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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

TOXIC, Yet Again!

This year has been amazing! I have been taking back what the enemy came to steal from me and living life and still am to the most that I can! I thank God every day for that. Over the last year we have been keeping checks and balances in place with supplements and some medications that have been necessary. With that, I have been getting routine blood work to keep everything in check etc. It's been a bit of a roller coaster learning to balance all the supplements etc. There have been a few times, like now where I have become toxic in a particular area and I have to adjust and start over etc. and the cycle continues.

Over this last month, I started experiencing some things physically that I knew were linked to a chemical imbalance in my body. Extreme vertigo, exhaustion, nausea, headaches...the list goes on and on. Just yuck! Well, I have felt this before and so I initiated my routine blood work knowing full well that my vitamin D would be way over what it should be as I have walked this out before. Don't worry there is a point to all of this besides me just rambling about my physical issues! Anyway, the Holy Spirit being the guide that He is to me said very clearly, get off the vitamin D after you get the blood work done. So I did. I had the blood work done a week ago today and yesterday was able to get some of the results.

Get this, your vitamin D levels are supposed to be in the range of 10.0 to 75.0. Want to know where my level is??? I have you all excited now don't I? lol...come on this is exciting stuff (said no one ever)! My level right now is 191.7! Yep you read that right...a little over, you think?

I am sharing all of this to point out a few victories in the midst of this.

1. Never once through all the symptoms did I fear or doubt that I was going to be okay and that God was going to take care of it. No fear, no doubt, just complete dependence on the Word of God and the promises that He has laid out in front of me.

I have operated normally, taking care of my home, my boys, my husband and even singing in the midst of it, actually a lot more than usual (not a coincidence). Working out still everyday, just living.

2. I heard the Holy Spirit speak and I knew it was Him. Huge victory for me! I love that I can recognize His unwavering, still small voice.

3. I obeyed His voice and am seeing the physical manifestation of that.

After a week of being off the vitamin D, a lot of my symptoms are already starting to die down. Do I feel 100%, no, but better than a week ago, so victory! Come on Jesus!

There are so many scriptures I could bring to the table on this one, but I just mainly wanted to bring this to all of you to say, maturity is possible! If I can do it, you can to! If we take up the Word and submit to the Holy Spirit, He will take care of even the smallest things in our lives. He is so good.

In order for me to overcome, I have had to keep my mind renewed. In order for me to stay fearless and full of belief that He is going to keep His promises, I have had to keep myself grounded, hanging onto my unshakeable Jesus. With that, I am able to hear Him and know it's Him and then obey and see Him fulfill His promises. He has this for all of us. Let me say that once more, He has this for all of us.

He doesn't want us to be toxic in any area of our lives. He wants life and victory from toxicity in our bodies, our minds and our spirits. Just stay submitted and see Him at work.

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