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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

" And they shall WALK, and not FAINT"

I woke yesterday morning with this scripture swirling around in my head:

Isaiah 40:31, " But they that wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall WALK, and not FAINT."

God totally allowed this scripture to rise up within me yesterday as I was getting myself going for the day. Side note: it pays to hide God's Word in your heart, when you don't have time to pick up a Bible and read it at that moment :-). All of you who know this journey we have been on know that I am coming up on the 4 month mark of being off of all ms medications this Saturday! Chad and I are continuing to stand and believe that God's Word is true and will not return void in this area of our lives. I am healed of ms! Not symptom free and feeling amazing but healed, because God calls me healed. He has promised this to me and He is no respecter of persons ( Romans 2:11). Meaning, if He can and will heal one, He can and will heal me.

So with that in mind, the Holy Spirit was encouraging me with the above scripture. These symptoms are no fun. I'm exhausted all the time, I am tingling all over, my legs are weak and painful and sometimes, I am so dizzy, I feel like I can hardly stand up. With all that said, I am still functional on my own most days and can take care of my home, my husband and my boys, so Praise God!

Back to the all know we have been waiting on the Lord for so much and as we are He is renewing our strength literally everyday to be able to accomplish what I am accomplishing every day. Not gonna lie, I don't feel like I can soar quite like an eagle everyday, but there are some days where there used to be none.

I used to run, actually 3 miles everyday until November of last year and since then I can barely take a walk down the street...driving me crazy, yes, because I love to work out! I am believing that one day soon I will be able to run again, like this scripture says, and not grow weary.

For now though, I am mostly encouraged by the part that says, " and they shall WALK, and not FAINT." Literally speaking LOL! I am happy to be able to literally walk and not faint everyday!

God's Word is so amazing how alive and active it can be. When we allow it to be alive and active. We have to keep hiding it in our hearts and keep it always before us. I am seriously only making it through this journey because of this.

All of us are on a journey, all of us need the Word of God to " be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path" ( Psalm 119:105)

He is faithful, His Word will never return void in our lives and He is a loving and amazing God. Believe it today and then start over tomorrow until it's all you know!

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