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Monday, December 10, 2012

Holiday Hangover

It's not even Christmas yet and I feel like I have a massive hangover from all the activity! We had 3 amazing parties this weekend! And more to come these next couple of weeks. I am so thankful that I get to be apart. I spent most of the week watching cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies. You know the ones, all the same story, pretty much and I sobbed through all of them hilarious. It was all I could do though. Up until Thursday, I didn't even think this weekend would be possible physically, much less this month. Adrenal issues, once again, back on adrenal meds but within 24 hours I was off the couch. Although I can't guarantee that there will not be more Hallmark movies in my future :-D

Last week, Chad and I were talking through some decisions, as much as I would like to ignore all of this during the Christmas season, it just won't go away. Anyway, we made a decision to get some mri's scheduled to see where we are after being off of ms meds for over 4 months now! We just want to see where the symptoms are coming from and we feel a great peace that God is moving us to see this. Whatever it looks like we will go from there. I was also feeling the Holy Spirit talk to me about getting back on the adrenal meds. I could feel my body crashing so fast until this week when it got bad again.

Now in the midst of all of this calling doctors, I told Chad, I feel like I was cheating on God calling my doctors. That some how my faith was not intact still. That I was doubting that He still has healed me and still has us on this incredible journey and is still working it out for our good.

Then I was reminded of all the ways in the Bible where Jesus used other methods to heal people. Herbs, mud on the eyes, jumping into a dirty washing pool...there were some that He did not directly touch. You get what I'm saying.

I felt really selfish on the phone with my nurses last week. I was just telling them that I really want to enjoy my husband and my boys for the holidays and not be plastered to the bed. They of course totally agreed and I know the Holy Spirit agrees with that too.

He is so loving and wants us to have that "mud" that we may need at times to help with our process. So we are at peace with our current status. We still need everyone praying because after we get through this month of trying to ignore real life ;-) we are going to have to start making some decisions that we have really been praying through.

I am so excited to see what God is's so hard to believe that this journey we have been on is coming up on a year now. So bittersweet. You've heard me say this before, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

My "hangover" is slowly diminishing and because God is so present in my life, I'm thankful I get to enjoy this time of year despite what I am trying my best to ignore. God is still totally in control!

Let the Christmas music play and may the Hallmark channel be forever in our lives!!!

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