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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Are We Really Ready To Be Astonished?

I have really enjoyed having my mornings back! I started walking in the mornings before everyone wakes up in our house about a month ago. It's been great, because I get to have that solid time with God. As much as I miss snuggling with my amazing husband until the last possible second and the sound of diapers and pull-ups rustling with the pitter patter of little feet running into our bedroom in the morning, I have really enjoyed getting that quiet in my mind to start the day!

While I love it for myself, a lot of that time is spent praying for a lot of other people that God lays on my heart. A lot of other people who really need God to intervene and give them a miracle in what seems to be a hopeless situation. Yesterday morning, I was moved to tears praying for a certain one and I found myself pleading with God to give this person the miracle that they so desperately need. I said to God, " Please God, just give them their miracle, astonish your people and the people of this world." As soon as I said that, I heard the Holy Spirit say, " My people are not ready to be astonished." I was like, whoa...what? Wait. What do you mean God? Of course we are. We want to see You do the amazing and the miraculous. You know what I'm saying if  you are on any kind of journey! We need God to prove Himself and astonish us everyday!

After my walk this morning, I got a little more clarity regarding this. On our journey, God continues to astonish us, but with that comes a great price and a great reward. To explain, after this year, God has revealed so much truth and given us so much growth that we can't and don't want to go back. In other words, we are now accountable for that truth and that growth and it's almost impossible to go back to where we were. We can no longer be who we were a year ago because of God astonishing us. It's a great and amazing thing, but not easy. You get my point? I believe that's what God is saying. We may think we are ready to be astonished by God, but if we are, we better be ready to change and hold true to that change in our lives. Some of us, including me, may not be ready for that kind of accountability, but I know how God gets us there!

Faith. Belief. In our journey and pretty much every story of the miraculous in the Bible we have had to believe first and then the astonishing or the manifestation of that faith and belief starts coming to pass. My body is not perfect...yet. But I wake up every morning and say, " Thank You God that I have perfect health." That's my faith and then God chooses to prove Himself to me as I go.

It's an endless cycle...first we have to learn to have faith, walk in it, God proves Himself and then we are hooked, we can't stop believing Him! It's pretty incredible.

Romans 4:20-21, " Yet he (Abraham) did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God (in my case, perfect health and restoration), but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised."

God astonished Abraham and if you read Abraham's story, he could never go back to where he was. So if you are looking for God to intervene and He hasn't yet, there could be a multitude of reasons why, but if you are like me, you look everywhere else but within yourself to see if there's a problem!

Ask yourself in all honesty, am I ready to be astonished? Am I ready to change from the inside out in order to receive my miracle? Am I ready to completely submit to the Holy Spirit in order to receive those promises? Because I know the Word of God and He Himself to be true, I'm pretty sure once we can answer these questions, He will astonish us and we will be ready.

1 comment:

  1. You r so amazing! Hope I am in your prayer walk....funny how you r walking ......and it's part of your journey.....
