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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Why yes, Parker, you do have SUPER POWERS!

Our sweet, fun-loving 4 year old, Parker made an incredible decision to ask Jesus into his heart for the very first time while we were on vacation in Alabama. Thursday, January 24th to be exact! Chad and I couldn't be prouder of him. He started asking all of these really serious questions and then by bedtime that night he prayed with Chad and I and made, what we would classify as his first actual decision to have Jesus in his life. Now, we get the fact that he might get saved about 20 more times by the time he hits middle school but this was his first decision where we could tell he understood and truly meant it. So exciting!

Anyway, as the next couple of days were unfolding, Parker was asking me all kinds of questions and one of those was, " Mommy, do I have super powers with Jesus in my heart?". I had to stop for a minute so I could answer carefully...I didn't want him to start flying off of buildings and doing all things superhero, you know what I'm saying LOL! As I stood there God's Word started stirring in me and this is what came to mind. Joel 3:10, " Let the weak say, ' I am strong'." So I said to Parker well actually yes, Parker, you do have super powers! I began to explain God's Word and how it works and how all of God's promises are real to us and how we are stronger when we have Jesus and how we can do all things through Him who strengthens us and on and on. What an amazing conversation to have with your 4 year old!

This week, both boys have had fevers for a couple of days(both fine now), Chad was in bed sick yesterday and I started thinking about how when everybody in the house gets sick, somehow, Mommy never does! It's amazing, it's hilarious, our super powers of immunity totally kick in and we just do what has to be done. Now I'm not stupid, I know it's totally God and His grace that keeps us in those times. I know it's the Holy Spirit who is my ultimate Helper because of my submission to Him.

I started exercising two weeks ago. Walking everyday for 30 minutes. For those of you who know our journey, this is an absolute miracle! Talk about the weak being strong. I am so motivated by God that some mornings I am up before the sun, now that's the real miracle!

If we access God's Word, we have His power and authority on our lives. Let me say it one more time, if we access God's Word, we have His power and authority on our lives. So yes, we have super powers or rather supernatural powers...we just got to use them! 

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