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Monday, August 20, 2012

Having done all to stand...Stand

Last night we had some History Channel type show on and they were talking about Sodom and Gomorrah and the show was getting the facts all wrong and misinterpreting the Bible and what it really says. So being the person I am, wanting to always be right ;-), I looked up the story and read it again for myself and was reminded of the true facts of the story straight from the Word. It also reminded me of something else.

In Genesis 19 it tells the story about Lot, his wife and daughters how they went to Sodom and Gomorrah and then at the end of the story they were told to flee because God was going to destroy the place. They were also warned by the angels that told them to flee to not look back to keep running to the next closest city. Well, as you know, in verse 26 it says, " But Lot's wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt." This really spoke to me.

I am still dealing with so much physically and the days when I don't access God's grace to the fullest I have this urge to look back. God just keeps saying to me don't look back. Keep moving forward. Having done all to stand...stand ( Ephesians 6:13-14).

Chad and I have a new motto in this season that we are in. "If you don't hear anything, don't do anything." I plan to write a rap out of this as soon as possible with my mean rapping skills, LOL...sorry! That's beside the point! In other words, if we don't hear the voice of God speaking to us, we are not moving. We are not making any decisions. We are staying tuned in to the Holy Spirit, so if He is talking we are confident that we are not going to miss Him. It seems like we should be making so many decisions if we were to base everything off of what my body feels. But, we don't hear Him talking to us to do anything. So...we wait. We wait and we access God's grace and peace. Is this easy? Absolutely not! It's one of the hardest, if not the hardest thing we have ever done.

Honestly, I feel like nothing. I feel like a grain of sand, so insignificant. The message that was preached from our pulpit yesterday was so timely for me. Our pastor spoke out of Psalm 8:3-9 which talks about God being mindful of us and that He considers us just a little lower than the heavenly beings. Pretty awesome. That adds a tremendous amount of significance to us no matter what we feel like or what season of life we are in.

So, to conclude, we are just waiting on Him. We are waiting on Him to talk to us and until then we continue to stand, trusting that we are walking in step with His perfect will for our lives. We will not look back as easy as that would be. We will keep our eyes fixed on things above and keep moving forward.

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