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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Blinded by Love or is it Grace?

On my walk this morning I was doing my usual submit to God, pray, worship, stomp the devil with my tennis shoes through the pavement to get my day started ;-) and as I was doing that I was listening to a particular song that could be one that I could have written myself because of the message of it. I got really emotional over it because it's a song that speaks of freedom and breakthrough and deliverance because of Jesus and what He has done for us. At the same time that I am crying out to God in thankfulness for what He has done in my life over this journey, my body is telling me the complete opposite!!!

Then the title of this post came to my mind. Am I blinded by the love that I have for Jesus or is it His grace that makes me able to be thankful for what He has already done as opposed to what I am feeling in that moment? Or are they the same thing? I tell Chad (for those of you don't know, that's my husband) all the time that he is blinded by his love for me! But God has put a grace on him to love me the way that he does and same for me to.

I really do find it funny, that I can be so thankful to God for healing my body of sickness and disease and at the same time I have been so physically challenged this week, actually more than I have in these past months. I know it's because of my increasing love for Him and His grace...they have to go hand in hand.

Ephesians 2: 4-5, " But because of His great LOVE for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions-it is by GRACE you have been saved."

I love it, because of His LOVE, Jesus has made us alive EVEN WHEN we were dead in our sin, it is by His GRACE that we have been saved. Wow. Jesus paid the price for me EVEN WHEN. How could I not be so deeply in love with Him and remember that He did that for me? That He already paid the price for perfect health in my body and because of that I have grace in my time of need to believe that wholeheartedly?

Love and Grace...I have never put the two together like this. I'm not blindly in love with Jesus because He is perfect, there is no reason I have not to love Him. Even if my body is the way that it is because He already showed me how much He loves me by reaching out to me in His suffering. Loving me enough to be beat to death, even though I am completely imperfect and then not only that but also extending grace to me in order to love Him in the moments when I struggle to believe and trust and love Him. WHAT?!?! How amazing is that? Overwhelmingly amazing.

If I type anymore I will be rambling, you get the point....think on it...Love and Grace :-)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful.....just think....Jesus love for us is blinded by love.....I hear a song you will write called "blinded by love"
