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Monday, March 25, 2013

Just One Step Away

What if I told  you that you are just one simple step away from receiving healing in every area of your life? Would you take that step? I know that I would. I'm talking physical healing, emotional, spiritual...the list goes on and on. Well it's true, we are all one step away from our complete healing and deliverance from whatever affliction is afflicting us.

You ready? Here's the key...are you sure your ready, because once you know this, you are accountable forever! Okay, so here it is, the step is...CONFESSING THE WORD OF GOD. Yep, that's it. Here's the thing when we CONFESS the Word of God it is a "declaration that we fully agree with it and are submitted to it's authority" (Kynan Bridges "Possessing Your Healing").

Instead of taking a person's word for it, let's go to the Word. In Romans 10:9, " If you declare with your mouth, ' Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." The word save means (according to Strong Dictionary) to deliver or protect, it implies deliverance and/or restoration. Isn't that powerful.

I don't mean to be prideful in any way when I say this, but throughout this journey of mine I have been saying, " It can't be that hard to receive God's healing. God wouldn't have made it that hard to receive what He paid the price for already." I have been searching for that simple step that God has been pressing me to find. Through that pressing He has been teaching and refining me. But this is it. Confessing the Word.

Honestly, I had to repent. I have been hiding God's Word in my heart. Even the enemy knows this and he's like, that's good, let her hide it away and I will just do my best to keep her from confessing it. Because here's the deal, and I believe this with all of my heart, "the place from which we believe and submit to the Word of God, and declare that Word out of our mouths, is the place of power and authority"(Kynan Bridges). The Word of God says this.

The thing I have struggled with the most is that healing is not a feeling. But it will be. The more I align myself with what the Word says and actually confess it with full authority, my body has no choice other than to align itself with what I am saying.

Proverbs 18:21, " The tongue has the power of life and death, those who love it will eat it's fruit." So are we going to confess our affliction (death) or the Word of God (life)? What have we got to lose?

We are in a series at our church called " Be Opened". And I just thought, we need to not only open our eyes and ears, but we need to open our mouths. As I am challenging myself, I also am challenging all of you to CONFESS the Word of God. Say it and just keep saying it. I am confessing almost 60 scriptures a day. Yes, saying them out loud. Do you know, it only takes me 10 minutes. 10 minutes to bring life into my situation. That is nothing compared to the price that Jesus paid.

Take the step and let me hear how God transforms you!

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