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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It's all in our Approach

One of the main components of making it through a process, in my opinion, is God's amazing, incredible grace. There are days where I am really good at accessing it and there are days where I am not! I do believe it's our responsibility to access God's grace. It's there, we just have to make a choice to let it work in us.

Hebrews 4:16," Let us then APPROACH the throne of grace WITH CONFIDENCE, so that we may RECEIVE MERCY and FIND GRACE to help us in our time of need."

I am on a quest for healing and total freedom. And everything in God's Word points me to God's mercy and grace making that happen. So to break this down here's what I hear God saying through this scripture:

1. We have to approach, to come near or nearer to, the throne of grace with confidence/full trust, so that...

2. We may receive mercy, an act of kindness, compassion or favor and...

3. Find grace, to find favor or honor to help us in our time of need.

There are many stories in the Bible where the sick and needy would boldly approach Jesus (the living throne of grace) with such great confidence/full trust. They would then say, " Have mercy on me." Then Jesus would heal them, restore them, He would find favor or honor them in their time of need.

What this speaks to me today is that I can approach, receive and find what I need to get me through this process I am in. Sounds so simple and I really believe it is that simple. Jesus even gave us the Holy Spirit to be our Helper so that it would be even easier to access all that He has for us. But to even get close to God's grace, we have to first be willing to approach Him with boldness.

I am doing this everyday and He has been faithful to meet me right where I am. He has been faithful to give me mercy and grace in my time of need. He is healing and restoring me. It's awesome to have God's Word living and active in my life.

To reiterate the post title, it's all in our approach...we have to not allow the enemy to put walls up between us and God that keep us from being able to approach Him. It's the first step to obtaining what we are seeking. I was praying, as I do most every morning, for God to continue to break down walls, tear down strongholds and cause me to see those things that are keeping me from completely accessing everything He has. It's really humbling and completely liberating at the same time. I know that in my process, I am going to come out on the other side with God's best.

I am staying submitted and God's grace is and will continue to be sufficient for me! I am praying for each of you that this truth will set you free as you walk through your process.

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