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Monday, April 30, 2012

Breaking Through the Flesh

I admit I feel a little like what Audry Assad says in her song " Breaking Through" this morning. Here are some of the lyrics:

I am a blind man trying to find the way
A deaf man with my ear to the ground
Just listening for what You say

I've got no voice to sing the songs
Written by the prophets on the subway walls
The kingdom is a golden table and we are beggars all

Are these just some words that I say aloud?
Is this just the sun breaking through the clouds?
Oh, I know it's more and I know somehow that
Heaven is breaking through
And it's You, it's You, it's You, it's You, You

I've wandered deserts looking for a sign
A wild flower in a valley low
Just reaching for the light

I have no place to lay my head, no sanctuary of my own
The kingdom waits with open arms
For pilgrims headed home

(I am a blind man trying to find the way)
I'm looking for
(I am a blind man trying to find the way)
Heaven is breaking, heaven is breaking
(I am a blind man trying to find the way)
Heaven is breaking through

Heaven is breaking, heaven is breaking
(I am a blind man trying to find the way)
Heaven is breaking through
Oh, heaven is breaking, heaven is breaking
(I am a blind man trying to find the way)
Heaven is breaking through

Heaven is breaking, heaven is breaking
(I am a blind man trying to find the way)
Heaven is breaking through
And it's You, it's You, it's You, it's You, yeah
It's You, it's You, it's You, You

I am a blind man trying to find the way

To break it down, I have really been dwelling on this subject of freedom completely in my flesh. I know that God has had me on this journey of setting me free in my mind and in my spirit and my thinking has been that my flesh has to follow suite. It has to align itself with what God says in the spirit, which is freedom, healing the whole gamut. I had concluded that this has not happened because God is keeping me to Himself to prepare me for what's ahead. What He is calling me to do after this is all said and done. But then I question, am I really doing everything I'm supposed to do to allow my flesh to really be free. Is there something in my flesh that I need to be delivered from? My spirit is freer, but is my flesh not free because there is deliverance that needs to happen that I am just not aware or knowledgeable about? I'm really praying about this. 

My new plea to God everyday is, "Jesus, please set my flesh free." I love God's Word because it always breaks through my confusion. Ephesians 6:12, " For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." I have been wondering, okay, is the battle for my flesh just a consequence of living in this world or is it truly something spiritual that I need to be delivered from. Well, the Word says, it's not flesh and blood that we battle, He sent His son to set us free from that. So it is spiritual, there is something that has taken a hold of my flesh that is causing this physical battle and I need Jesus to reveal the root and set me completely free. 

I am praying that God will continue to reveal all the roots in my life that could be causing this I am always asking God how did it root itself in me and will He continue to give me the openness to be able to grab hold of whatever He reveals. Not only do I want to be free, I NEED to be.

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