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Thursday, January 12, 2012

FAITH...I gotta live by it

Faith described in the amplified version of the bible is perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses. Let me say it again, for me, faith is perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses. Okay, so, I perceive as real fact that I am healed in my body...that for sure has not been revealed to my senses...yet. My body does not FEEL healed...but faith says that I am.

I am re-prioritizing today in an intentional way. Matthew 6:24, " No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and the system of this world." Over the last 6 years, I have struggled with this. I have faith in God, but I also trust my doctors and the medications that they are prescribing. I trust God to an extent and then I trust man to an extent. I don't just have faith in one or the other. I trust's the issue with that..."No man can serve two masters." I honestly don't know, at this point, what that requires of me yet. I am gonna really be praying about this. I do know this, that today, I am experiencing some physical symptoms and I am determined to seek first the Kingdom of God and not my doctors. I am going to continue to build my confidence, patience and faith in God's Word to do what it says it will. I am going to "stay the same".

Again, " Fear comes in to  tell us what could happen, but we have to be confident that the only thing that can happen is what we are standing on." Well what am I standing on? God's Word or what the world says? Today, God's day at a time, until it's not so scary to trust and believe in the intangible. Help me Jesus!

I can tell you this, that learning that I am just dumber than I thought and that I just need to learn and grow more has made me feel like such a baby Christian. Which, in turn, is making me really hungry for God's Word and His truth in a new and fresh way. I believe that hunger is here to stay now. I know that I am breaking through barriers that have been holding me up for some time now.

One more thing that dawned on me...God even now is proving His amazing love to me by being so loving and merciful that He is leading me into all truth. There would be no way that I would be learning what I am learning if it was not for God's hand and divine intervention in my life. Humbling and comforting.

Until next steps...I trust you Jesus. 

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