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Tuesday, January 31, 2012


In every action packed movie where the plot is good versus evil there is usually some form of torment, right? What I've noticed is usually it's always the good guy that gets tormented, what's the deal with that? The "mean guys", as my 3 year old Parker would put it, usually have a plethora of devices to torture the "good guys" with and they make it seem like the torment goes on for ever and ever until finally some miraculous thing happens and the "good guys" get rescued. If you've ever seen this type of movie, you would see that in the midst of this torment, the "good guys", never give in to the torture. They some how gain super human strength and can withstand any kind of pain once challenged with the very thing that drives their life. 

Second Corinthians 10:4+5, " For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." That super human strength that those "good guys" gain in the midst of torture is brought on by what they believe in, whatever their cause. Same for us, our cause is Jesus and His Word is what we believe in and that always wins out. That's how we "good guys" get rescued. This scripture points out that we have to use the Word of God as our weapon to wield against the spirit of torment and any other spirit that plagues our minds, our emotions, our name it.

So in my battle with fear and doubt, add torment to the list too, I am continuing to hide God's Word in my heart so that I can whip it out like a sword to fight at any moment. That miracle that I need physically and my cry to be rescued has not gone unheard. God's Word and His power are inside of me, giving me that super human strength to overcome the spirit of fear,doubt and torment. The "mean guys" might have their weapons...but they need to know that I have mine too!

1 comment:

  1. So powerful! Thank you, Mandy, for standing strong. I am praying for your continued strength until you receive you physical healing. You are inspiration to many, and I appreciate the joy that flows from you. Love you!
