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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

You are in the palm of His Hand!

One of my favorite places to be is to be as far away as possible. This is usually accomplished by going to the woods and as far away from people and distractions as possible. Now before any offense is taken, here is why.

I can't really function until I have had a shower in the morning. Coffee may be this for you. In fact that is probably most of you. After a shower I feel I am more presentable and not in the way you might think. You see after a night's sleep my hair is a mess, my joints crack and creak, I hit the same wall every morning on the way to the bathroom and I mumble instead of talk. I am not at my most relatable. I need my shower!

While the shower is a daily wake up the woods is a life wake up for me. It forces me to separate from everything I could possibly busy myself with and sets the stage for things to be revealed and worked on. As I sit there I marvel at the peace God has created and wonder why my mind is going 150 mph in the midst of it.

I was reading a devotion the other day and the writer used an example of when he sits in the woods it is really the only time he is able to free his mind from any additional input which was overflowing to begin with. He takes that time to allow God to work through issues and thoughts that may have been hidden or masked by people, business and a constant influx of input. He writes any revelations on the palm of his hand due to a lack of paper since he is in the woods. He does this so he won't forget.

This reminded me of a scripture in Isaiah...

"Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands..."

Where is the one place you can think of writing something so important to you that you must not forget it. Your hands! Unlike paper, your phone or your computer, chances are that you aren't going to misplace your hands. You are so important to God that He has not just written you on the palms of His hands He has engraved you! When masons are working stone they don't take a sharpie and write on it they engrave words on the stone so it is permanent.

I will finish this up with the final sentence from the above passage. When taken in context with the above passage it really is my favorite part...

"...your walls are continually before me."

This tells me that He is in front of me not behind me! He knows the walls I face and nothing is too big for my God! If He can bring the walls of Jericho down what then are my walls!


  1. Okay, I will first have to say, I was thinking this was Mandy writing....I envisioned Mandy's hair in the morning...LOL Great read, so hits the spot with my life at this very moment. Thank you!!
