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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

" I have done everything that I KNOW to do"

I can't tell you how many times I have said this, " I have done everything that I know to do", in regards to this struggle in my life. I have done everything spiritually, everything physically, that I know to do. So here's the question, "Why am I not healed?"

Creflo Dollar said," If you've done everything you know to do, then maybe you don't know enough!". What an amazing revelation to me! When I heard those words, my spirit man jumped with hope because that means that all hope is not lost...I'm just dumber than I thought!!! In my attempt to lose fear in my life, I am working fervently to replace it with faith. Listening to different teachings, spending way more time in the Word than I ever have and various other things. I know that God is not a respecter of persons, but I do believe He is a respecter of faith. So I know that faith comes by hearing, so I am doing a lot of listening these days to build my faith so that it can overcome my fear.

So what is faith? Definition by Creflo Dollar, " Faith is the confirmation or assurance or the title deed to what we hope for. It's also a practical expression of my confidence in God and in His Word." So we can't have confidence or faith in God and not in His Word because they are one in the same. To have faith means to be confident despite what we feel or see. If I am healed, then I am healed no matter what the doctor has said, what the physical manifestation is or anything else for that matter. I just have to know because God's Word says so. That is true confidence. If we throw away our confidence then we throw away our manifestation. I never saw this before, in this way, and it's setting me free. Whew, this is scary stuff for me, because now I am accountable to this truth, you know what I'm saying?

The Word says in order to have confidence, we have to have patient at work in our lives. I don't know about you, but patience is not one of my stronger qualities. I have realized now that's why I haven't gotten the complete victory in my life. First I have to develop patience, with that comes confidence and then the faith that I need to really walk in God's ultimate reality for my life which is healing! Key word, developed. It's a process and I have to intentionally build those things in my life or it won't happen. Man, I feel like such a spiritually baby when I learn these truths. There's just so much to learn.

I may have a few stretch marks coming out of this one (sorry for the visual :-)...I am going to keep hammering away at this truth until it completely sets me free...


  1. Wow can't wait to listen to this one...I love to hear "When I heard those words, my spirit man jumped with hope because that means that all hope is not lost..." come out. Awesome!

  2. Hi Mandy! Thanks for taking us on your journey. I can relate everything you have said to my own life. Fear and doubt seem to camp on my doorstep a little too often. I appreciate you and Chad's willingness to be so transparent. Thank you for the encouragement. God bless you and your family.

  3. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! The Word is becoming flesh in you! Mom
