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Thursday, May 3, 2012


Aaaand the process continues! God revealed to me another root issue in my life last night. I won't go into detail as to how He revealed that to me but He did. All I will say is that I have been asking God to bring everything to the light so that I can totally be free and He is keeping His end of the bargain. I feel physically and spiritually like He is taking me through the ringer and am feeling full of hope yet exhausted at the same's so weird!

So anyway, the root He revealed to me last night is that in conjunction with the fear and doubt that I have been overcoming, there is this sense of helplessness in me which pretty much fuels the fear and doubt to an even greater degree. I know many of us have been in that place where we realize that we are completely at the mercy of the hand of God and we feel completely HELPLESS. Helpless as in we have no power and sometimes helpless as in we don't see Him helping us. However we know this isn't true, not according to the Word. Thank God, because I need His help every second these days and I know that's why the enemy would have me hang on to this useless thinking.

Romans 8:26-27, " In the same way, the Spirit HELPS us in our weakness. (I could personally stop right here and be just fine, but we will keep going :-) We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will."

Yep, not only are we not helpless, we have the Spirit of God Himself interceding for us, praying for us...and He is helping us with everything, hmm, even when we doubt that He will. You know, we say we are at the mercy of the hand of God like it's a bad thing...that's a total's the best place to be...WHEN WE REALLY KNOW HIM. If we don't know Him, we don't trust Him and if we don't trust Him, then we are doubting Him and if we are doubting Him, we feel helpless and afraid.

Here's my declaration for today: Hebrews 13:6, " So we say with confidence, ' The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"

I am at the mercy of God's hand, but His hand is loving and faithful to do what He has promised me in His Word. And with that knowledge, I can have great peace. He's not hurting me, He's helping me. I will be chewing on this all day...deliver me Lord from this, be my helper and let this truth sink into me body, soul and spirit.

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