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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Rainy Days

Sorry for the obvious pun! But given the weather we have been having over the last couple of days, well, God uses everything to speak to me right now! I actually love this kind of weather, it's the creative side of me and the melancholy side of me. It makes me happy and feel alive! Anyways, totally not why I am writing today.

For all of us who are walking through a storm, trial, adversity, tribulation, whatever you want to call can get really dark and messy sometimes. It rains down harder at times than others, the wind blows harder at times than others and sometimes, we even see the sun try and push through it all.

Recently God has been giving me lots of vision for the future. He has me writing songs, He is giving me visions of my kids, just hope for a future that I know is in store on the other side of this storm. He is revealing His Son in the midst of this seemingly dark and dreary journey. My amazing husband, as he was praying over us as a family this morning, was thanking God that He goes way ahead of us in our journey. He is always many steps ahead of us and He knows and sees the bigger picture.

Deuteronomy 31:8, " The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

I have a friend and fellow blogger who yesterday posted an amazing post regarding, "Welcome to Hell". It was awesome. Excuse me as I paraphrase (you should really read the whole thing yourself), her writing was referring to how we make a decision to start pressing into God in every area or certain areas and then are surprised by the fact that the enemy doesn't give up all of the sudden but yet we actually make him our neighbor by doing so. We may live on Sickness and Disease Lane and since we are trying to move, well, he's an awful neighbor and will do anything for us to stay there...forever. Really awesome stuff.

I am not surprised that as I try to climb out of my current storm, that moving off of "Rainy Day Drive" isn't so easy. The enemy is doing all he can to discourage me, but the Son keeps peeking through, reminding me that He is still there and to just keep fighting and pressing forward.

Not only do I gain hope from the Word of God but He is active and alive and now allowing me to see what He has in store on the other side. Our God is a gracious and loving God. This to shall pass maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow or maybe not even this year (also from my dear friend's blog :-) but it will pass. We just gotta keep our eyes on the Son knowing that even when we can't see Him, He's still there even on the rainiest of days.

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