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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

You WILL Never Guess...

So as I was stretching to do my 5 minute marathon run this morning and I was reading my list of healing scriptures that I read everyday and you WILL never guess what word just kept popping out at me! Okay, I guess I WILL tell you...are you ready? The word WILL kept popping out at me... now I know that you are totally surprised by this, so let me explain :-)

 I am talking about the word WILL as a verb and here's one of the definitions: am (is, are, etc.) determined or sure to. Bear with me because I want you to see this revelation with me! Here's a couple of scriptures to put it into action: 

Romans 8:11, " He who raised Christ from the dead WILL (is determined or sure to) also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you."

Matthew 8: 2, 3, " A man with leprosy came and knelt before Him and said, ' Lord, if you are WILLING ( determined or sure to), you can make me clean.' Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man. ' I am WILLING (determined or sure to), ' He said. ' Be clean!' Immediately he was cured of his leprosy." 

I mean this is amazing...I was going to type every scripture out of the 40 that I read that have the word will in them but there are so many! Here are some of just the scripture references for you if you want to look them up: 

Exodus 15:26; 23:25
Deuteronomy 7:15
Malachi 3:10
Psalm 91:16
Jeremiah 30:17
Matthew 18:18 + 19
Mark 11: 22, 23 + 24; 16: 17 + 18
Isaiah 43:25 + 26
James 5: 14 + 15

Just one more, it's so good I have to type it out! Nahum 1:9, " Affliction WILL (is sure to) not rise up a second time." It's so powerful when we understand what God's Word is saying, isn't it? 

I think this is interesting, one of the other words that will is related to is the word promise...pretty cool if you ask me. There is so much to understand and uncover in the Word of God and it just really amazes me when God speaks to me like this. 

God's Word and revelation to me is that He WILL (is determined and sure to) heal me. No if, ands or healing has already been determined and is sure to happen. This fuels my hope and my grace for this process. Thank You so much Jesus!

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