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Sunday, March 25, 2012

The's not as deep as we think

Isaiah 40:29-31, " He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even the youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

So I am on day 2 of taking this new medication that is supposed to be helping correct the adrenal issue. While I appreciate some tangible answers, I have done this before. Talked to a million doctors who all want you on some kind of medication that they think will solve the issue. That sounds harsh and I don't mean it that way at all, it's just my way of saying my hope is not in these things to renew my strength or my body. My hope is still in Jesus and His Word. I am hoping in Him everyday and that is what is renewing my strength day by day.

God and I have a deal. I told Him at the beginning of all of this that when He gets me on the other side of this, that I would not allow my spirit to back down from this level of connection with Him. I would not back down in my pursuit of His Word no matter what  my body feels like. I am so convicted of this, because it seems that every time He answers me and restores me, I back down, not all the way, but just enough to sustain me. I can't do that anymore if I want to know Him the way that I want to know Him and the way that I need to know Him for what He has called me to do.

I want to walk in authority which is delegated power. It's not something we obtain on our own. The Word of God says in Ephesians 6:10, " Be strong in the Lord and in the power of HIS might."It's His might, not ours. It's His authority, not ours. Medicines may help us in this physical realm for a brief reprieve from what we are FEELING, but the Word of God and our hope in His words is what gives us authority over the root of every issue and the ultimate deliverance from all that ails us in every area of our lives. Awesome isn't it!!! We don't just have to mask everything, we can actually get to the root of every issue and God can make it right. If we submit and let Him.

Submission equals freedom. Rebellion equals Bondage. Hmmm...I think I will submit, thanks. I want freedom from sickness and disease, I don't just want to continue to mask it. My hope is still planted in Jesus and His Word more than anything else. I am praying that God has you there too!

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