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Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Freedom: the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint. During this whole journey, one of the main things that I have been asking God for is complete freedom. I don't want to mask things with pills or shots anymore. I want complete healing, deliverance....freedom. I don't want to be under any physical restraint anymore, when this particular process is said and done. I want to be able to have liberty to do and be what He has made me to be. I  feel this freedom in my spirit, I just want it to transform my physical body like immediately! 

I know this is wrong and God is dealing with me on this, but I look at others who can just freely do things as simply as get on a stage and breath and sing or go for a run or take care of their babies with no physical restraint and I crave that. I want to be physically free again. I remember what that feels like and I am at a point where I will accept nothing less from God. And He doesn't want me to accept anything less. I know it, because His Word says it. 

Galatians 5:1, " It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." It is for freedom that He has set us it is for freedom that He has set us free. So His reason for setting us free is so that we can live in a state of liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint. Jesus laid down His life so that we can live in freedom and we have to protect that by not allowing the things of this world to burden us or enslave us. Jesus struggled until His last breathe on the cross so that we could be free. That was the price He paid for us.

I don't fully understand yet what it means to suffer like He did and still live in freedom, but I am getting it slowly but surely. All I know is what His Word says is true and that is the only thing that is driving me. John 8:31-32, " To the Jews who had believed Him, Jesus said, ' If you hold to my teaching, you are really My disciples. THEN YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH, AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE." That's what I'm doing...holding to His teachings which makes me His disciple which allows me to know the truth, the truth that will set me free spirit, soul and body. 

This might be wrong to, but Chad and I covet your prayers. I need a miracle, truly a miracle to experience this freedom physically. I know God is listening and when He is ready He is going to do it. Right now I know that He is getting so much glory just through this process and that's amazing and I'm okay with that. But I want His ultimate promises fulfilled and I know that healing is apart of that for me. Let His truth set you free today, whatever you are walking through, don't let His sacrifice be in vain. Don't be a slave to this world, it's like looking at Jesus and saying," I don't care that you died for me, that you laid down Your life for me, thanks but no thanks."

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