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Monday, March 5, 2012

Armed and Dangerous

I think it's funny how the enemy is like a gnat on a humid summer day, he just keeps flying around your face no matter how many times you swat him away. This morning, he has been pestering me and trying his hardest to weasel his way into my thoughts. All I have to say is, seriously? Nice try. He may be sneaky, but he can't outsmart me. When I woke up this morning, my mind was overwhelmed with the process. Overwhelmed with the possibility that my body may never be the same. ALL LIES, NOTHING BUT LIES.

Guess what? The Word of God arose in my spirit and spoke to those lies. Jeremiah 30:17, " For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds." your face devil. Now here's the key...if that word wasn't hidden in my heart, the core of who I am, my spirit, then I would have had no weapon to wield against the enemy. Are you tracking with me? If we are going to overcome, we have to hide God's Word in our hearts. We will be armed and dangerous if we do that. Life without the Word of God is like a soldier going into battle with no armor and no weapons, like a football player trying to play football without an actual football...totally ridiculous! We have to equip ourselves. God has given us all the equipment and we just have to use it. It really is that simple.

I will have full feeling and strength in my legs again. I will not feel like I am paralyzed from the chest up. I will run again. I will be restored and healed of my wounds because God's Word says I will. Whatever you are walking through, God can restore and heal if you will use the equipment that He has provided.

So, victory my fight...patience is continuing to do her work in me and God's Word is doing it's job, despite what I think or feel today. Nothing has changed, because God hasn't changed. If that doesn't bring comfort, nothing will. One more thing, if I may be so bold, if you haven't already, get into God's Word and search for that scripture that speaks to your situation. Commit it to memory and let God show you how powerful He Him, He will not forsake you or His Word.

I pray right now that all of you will have the strength to overcome today and that you will find comfort and peace knowing that everything is available for you to be armed and dangerous against the schemes of the enemy. Love you people!

1 comment:

  1. Mandy,
    I read this and thought of you today.

    "But God’s Word not only tells you what to do; it gives you the power to do it. And it increases your faith as you do it.
    When I read the thousands of promises in the Bible where God says he’ll act on our behalf if we obey him in some manner, it gives me confidence. I know that if I do what God asks of me, he has promised a certain result.

    Exodus 23:29-30: “But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you. Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land.”
    God had promised the Israelites the Promised Land. They were going to go across the Jordan River into Israel and take on some tribes that were already living there. They didn’t think they could do it. They thought the goal was too big.
    In Exodus 23:29-30, God is saying to the Israelites, “You know these enemies? They’re bigger than you. But I’m not going to give you the whole land in the first year. You’re going to take it over a little bit at a time — one battle at a time. You’re growing stronger. When you’re strong enough to handle it all, you’ll get it all.”
    When I read those verses, it was like a promise coming directly to me. I realized I didn’t have to accomplish it all in the first year. I’m going to spend the rest of my life serving Jesus Christ, and I’ll do it on his timetable and at his pace.
    That understanding gave me confidence to take on enormous goals. The Word activated my faith."

    God can heal and will do His will in your life...however, it may be little victories at a time. I pray that God continues to give you patience and a steadfast spirit filled with hope and faith.

    Love you,
    PaPa Swartz
