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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wisdom Teeth

I have all 4 of my wisdom teeth and while they haven't made me any wiser, they have never given me any trouble. This proves the theory that my family and so many of my closest friends have put before me...I really must have a big mouth to be able to fit those things! This morning I wish I could say I awoke with some fabulous revelation from God, but I didn't. I actually woke with the song "Big Green Tractor" in my's because there is a video on youtube that plays this song while showing pictures of tractors and my boys love it and we have watched it like a million times! Soooo...I really had to renew my mind this morning to get that out of my head!

God led me to the subject of wisdom. We are in a process, as all of you know, where we are getting numerous tests done and just searching for some physical answers as God continues to restore me from the inside out. While I am BELIEVING that God will completely set me free from all sickness and disease as I access Him and embrace His process, I got to thinking, Chad and I are going to need a lot of wisdom in order to know what to do once we get these tests results back. I know, duh, sorry, my brain is coming back to life for the first time in months :-) The voice of God and the voice of wisdom is going to have to be louder than that of these doctors and their earthly wisdom.

James 1:5-8," If any of you lacks WISDOM, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. BUT WHEN HE ASKS, HE MUST BELIEVE AND NOT DOUBT, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does. "

The last thing we want to be is unstable in all we do. We don't want to serve two masters and be double-minded. We want to believe and not doubt, there's that concept again, what God is saying to us no matter how ridiculous it may seem to our flesh. In Proverbs, specifically chapter 8, Solomon speaks of how wisdom is more precious than silver or gold. How wisdom existed before the very foundations of the earth...amazing...according to the Word, wisdom is pretty valuable and important. Proverbs 8: 34 + 35, " Blessed is the man who listens to me (wisdom), watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds LIFE and receives FAVOR from the Lord. " Yeah, I know, life and favor, I will happily pursue God's wisdom...what a promise.

So that's my process today. I am learning how to access the wisdom of God in a more powerful way. I really believe that God had to get me to a certain place in my heart/spirit to where I can really obtain His wisdom and thus have life and favor. Time to cut my spiritual wisdom teeth, I'm pretty sure they will have many more benefits then my fleshly ones :-) He is doing it, He is setting me free, truth by truth. I pray He is doing the same for you day by day as you draw near to Him.

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