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Sunday, March 4, 2012


I feel my strength returning to me with each morning. Through this whole process, pretty much every morning, God wakes me up singing or with His Word literally reeling in my mind. Amazing, isn't it? My spirit is so alive and it is restoring life to my body each day.

This morning I woke up with "Let the praises ring" by Lincoln Brewster playing in my mind. It's been at least a couple of years since I've sung this or even heard it, but the words are in my spirit today.

Oh Lord my God in You I put my trust
Oh Lord my God in You I put my hope
Oh Lord my God in You I put my trust
Oh Lord my God in You I put my hope


In You In You I find my peace
In You In You I find my strength
In You I live and move and breathe
Let everything I say and do
Be founded by my faith in You

I lift up holy hands and sing
Let the praises ring!

Oh Lord my God to You I give my hands

Oh Lord my God to You I give my feet
Oh Lord my God to You I give my everything
Oh Lord my God to You I give my life

All the words are amazing, just giving every part of yourself to God, but the words that stuck out the most are "Let everything I say and do be founded by my faith in You." This is what I have been fighting for. It speaks of walking by faith and not by sight, being completely grounded in what God is saying, totally walking by the spirit and His Word. This is what I care about, that everything I say and do is produced by faith and belief, not fear and doubt. I smile as I write this because while God will ALWAYS be working in me, I see fruit in my life that I am indeed operating out of faith and by the spirit. It's just awesome to see how real He is and how living and active His Word really is. 

Proverbs 4:20-22," My son, give attention to my words;incline your ears to my sayings.Do not let them depart from your eyes;keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are LIFE to those who find them and HEALTH TO ALL THEIR FLESH." 
To all my all my you see that??? To all my FLESH, not just my spirit. Jesus, You are so good, thank You for helping me to access Your Word and giving me Your Word so that it can be living and active in me.

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