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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Where we stand

Hebrews 10:23," Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful."  Joshua 21:45, " Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken, all came to pass." Psalm 107:20, " He sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction." Ephesians 6:14-17, " STAND therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."

So now that you know where we stand, let me tell you what the doctor said yesterday! LOL! So here's the report we got after 2 MRI's. My brain had no new activity or damage. Praise God. My spine showed scarring, but no active lesions. This means that over the last year, since my last scan, there has been some new activity at different times in my spine but none that they can see that are flared up right now. The doctor said that she thinks that what I am currently going through right now is due to ms, but then she said because we can't see everything with ms, she cannot say that for sure. Because I just finished a high dose of steroids it's hard to tell if there is something actually happening in the brain stem itself. She told us that she has not seen anyone experience specifically what I am experiencing so it's hard to really pinpoint :-). Ummmmm, yes that makes me smile, because number 1, and this may be crazy, but I wanted them to be a bit baffled and unsure because that means there are more answers and options to uncover.

But being good at her job my neurologist sent us away with these options:1. A pill to try and ease the current upper body issues and 2. The thought that we need to get me on another, stronger medication for ms (which has serious side effects). We were not surprised by this at all. So first things first, I took one of these pills she gave us and not even 30 minutes into it, I was experiencing the list of serious reactions that you should call your doctor immediately about, yeah...exactly. So we had a short visit from the paramedics to make sure everything was sound and good and the medicine wore off and I was feeling, well back to the old self. As far as a new medication for the ms, it's a drawn out process, which gives us time to work through the process of all the other stuff and uncover what's really going on before I go through any unnecessary things. Another prayer answered. Time.

So today, we are heading to see a new doctor who practices internal medicine and we are going to get his view and perspective and just keep pressing for answers. Bottom line...God is good and we are going to keep standing and believing..."Having done all to stand...Stand" (Romans 6) Please keep standing with are all apart of holding us up and in place.

I pray for each person who reads this today that you will continue to stand in whatever you are walking through. That you will keep believing and trusting that God has all of the answers for you, just like He does for us. God is no respecter of persons, but He sees our faith in Him. STAND, STAND, STAND!

1 comment:

  1. I am sooooo proud of you cuz!! :') STANDING with you in Faith!! I have also shared this blog with my friends in hopes of more prayers going up for you... I love you Mandy soooo very much! -Jackie
