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Monday, March 19, 2012

A Living Hope...even on a Monday

Okay, so it's day 1 of the doctor extravaganza week! First, I am really grateful that we made it through the weekend without any more ER visits and that my sleep is returning to me...answered prayer. Today we go for testing on my autonomic nervous system. Just a short explanation for those of you who know the low down from a previous post...the autonomic nervous system controls the smooth muscles of the body where I seem to be having the most issues. While my hope is not in this, I am looking forward to what they could uncover, possibly getting us closer to some physical progress.

My oldest and wiser than me sister ;-) referred me to a passage in scripture the other day that is really speaking to me this morning. It's in 1 Peter 1 and the title of the section is "Praise to God for a Living Hope".  The first few verses talk about how God in His great mercy has given us new birth into a living hope through Jesus and His sacrifice. It talks about our inheritance that will never perish, spoil or fade. Then in verses 6-9 it really speaks to me, " In this you greatly rejoice (the living hope, the inheritance), though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith, of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire, may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls."

I know! I'm thinking, wow, I couldn't have written this any better. Yes, I rejoice in Jesus, my Living Hope and the inheritance that I have in and through Him! It's amazing! Then it says, "though now for a little while you many have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials." Hahahaha...I love how Peter says " for a little while"...because to us or maybe it's just me, these trials feel like forever! I know, totally dramatic. In all honesty, they can last as long as He wants them to as long as my faith is proved genuine and results in praise, glory and honor to Jesus. Isn't that what this is all for? For God to get all the glory, no matter what that looks like?

The song playing in the background as I type this is by Elevation Worship and it's called "Give Me Faith". The bridge says these words, " I may be weak, but Your Spirit's strong in me, my flesh may fail, but my God You never will." To be totally transparent, I am a little nervous about this week and what may or may not be uncovered. My flesh is weak and it feels like it's failing physically everyday, BUT His Spirit is stronger than it's ever been in me and He WILL NOT FAIL even though I may fall short. God is sustaining me through this process, there have been more miserable days than pleasant ones, but God's grace has been sufficient and I know it will be this week. 2 Corinthians 12:9, " ...for My power is made perfect in your weakness." I am so broken in spirit, soul and body, I have no choice but just to completely trust Him. I picture that trust test that people do where they just fall back into another persons arms, trusting that they will be there to catch them. I don't like the feeling of falling, but if Jesus is there to catch me, then who cares what I FEEL.

For today, God is good, He is loves me, He has healed me and He will never forsake me. I purpose right now to not fear or doubt His promises to me today. It won't hurt my feelings if all of you will stand with us in this today and for this week as so many of you are already doing. We need your support, it does not go unnoticed by us or God. In the words of Jesus, " Do not fear, only believe."

1 comment:

  1. Definitely standing with you in prayer throughout this week Mandy. Thanks for keeping us updated and encouraged with your posts.
