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Friday, March 16, 2012

Even greater news!

The day of my last post I was admitted to the hospital. I started having some more severe issues (wasn't able to eat for two days and couldn't catch my breath, like a panic attack without the panic) so we went by ambulance and God completely worked on our behalf. Apparently it's 4 times the charm, not 3! Hey, if I don't have my sense of humor through all of this then, well, then nothing! Anyway, they admitted me and addressed some of the major issues.

The great news is as follows:They ran a new set of mri's and found that there is no new activity on my brain, my cervical spine or thoracic spine due to ms since the week before, they determined by an endoscopy that my stomach and esophagus are completely intact, no ulcers, no damage, no cancers etc. So last night they discharged us. They sent us home with a list of appointments for next week to have further testing in a few areas and with a new way to manage the reason for the spasms which they think is acid reflux.

So last night we use this new medication followed the docs instructions and at about 2am this morning I was jolted awake by the fact that I felt like I had stopped breathing. This happened for about two hours and then I finally woke Chad and said we need to call 911. At this point my entire body, all of my muscles were in constant spasm mode, Chad could feel them to the touch and I couldn't move or walk or barely talk. So to the ER we went, my body calmed down after two bags of iv fluid and a meal and they put me on a new med that they think now will help me maintain until we can get to these other major appointments next week. They thought what may have happened was a dramatic decrease in my blood sugar level since I have had one meal in 3 days. Whew!

I'm not gonna lie, I did a lot of crying this morning out of sheer exhaustion and frustration. The spirits of fear and doubt were trying to grip me in a really powerful way. But they did not overcome me. I just kept saying to myself, God, You will not put me or You to shame in this, no matter how this feels, it's not my reality. My reality is health and wholeness because God's Word says that's my reality. I still believe that my body is healed, I just don't know God's timing on the physical manifestation of it. And that, I'm sure I will never understand.

So we are home again and about to get some much needed rest. Please keep praying for us. We need my body to recover and regain what it's lost and we still need some answers in many areas. We are praying that God orders our every step next week, that He puts us with only the doctors that He has hand picked for us and coming out of next week, we get answers and feel even stronger.

I know this doesn't seem like the most encouraging post, but you have to see the process to appreciate what God is really doing. And when my body finally aligns to my spirit, everyone of you who reads this will know that God is real. That His Word is true and He is faithful to do what He has promised. For now, it's time to take a nap, love ya'll and thank you for continuing to stand with us.

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